Michael Sanchez is an Instructional Designer for the Division of Information Technology. He supports the College of the Arts and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.  
Prior to transitioning into Educational Technology, his professional experience has been in live broadcast and post-production for professional sports, concerts, and commercials. Michael’s decision to move into Educational Technology has allowed him to intertwine his passion for people and technology. He has received a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Biola University and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology and Media Leadership from California State University Long Beach where he worked with faculty on special multimedia projects as part of their Academic Technology Services team. Michael has had the pleasure of working in team environments for his entire professional and academic career and has a dedication to the development of others through innovative and progressive means. He would like to continue to leverage his diverse background to walk with faculty and staff in order to impact professional development. 
You can reach Michael by email at michsanchez@wolaipei.com or at (657)-278-3698. His office is in MH-133.