

残疾支援服务 ensures the civil rights of students with disabilities at CSUF by providing accommodations and services that remove barriers for equal and meaningful access to all classrooms, 课程材料, 结构, 和活动. Identifying and removing barriers to access throughout our event planning process results in inclusive and welcoming experiences for our diverse campus community.


活动是任何一所大学的体验课, 活动, 车间, 程序, 培训或实地考察-任何大学观众, 大或小.


Planning an event provides an opportunity to create experiences that are not just accessible, 欢迎不同的听众. Considering access and inclusion throughout your planning process will help ensure participants have a good experience.

  • 在你的计划中尽早考虑可访问性. 好的计划不仅可以节省你的钱, but may eliminate the need for retrofitting or individual accommodations.
  • 创造积极的体验. 当参与有障碍时, attendees may feel unwelcome and less likely to return or recommend this event to a peer or colleague.
  • Commit to similar, if not identical experiences for disabled and non- disabled participants. 向包容迈进是一种成功!
  • 了解活动的各个方面!  Be prepared to field all event-related inquiries, including questions about access.



  • Accessible parking and drop-off areas (indicated with signage containing the updated Disability Access Symbol).
  • 通往正门的平坦道路, 以及任何户外空间(如果可能的话,避免砾石), 凹凸不平的表面, 限制, 以及没有电梯的建筑).
  • 可进入的主要入口:
    • 它是平的还是斜的?
    • Does it have either an accessible door or automatic door opener?
  • 无障碍的房间布局, including wheelchair accessible seating so wheelchair-users can sit with friends and participate in event activities. 如果演示区将用于活动, the route from the seating area should be accessible (clear, 宽, 没有步骤).
  • 无障碍洗手间(有标示).
  • Adequate space for service animals and/or wheelchair maneuverability, approximately 3–5 ft. 宽阔的通道/路线.
  • 适合空间的照明. Is it Dark enough to see video and bright enough to see a speaker?
  • 放大声音, 有足够数量的设备可用, contact Information Technology (IT) at (657) 278-8888 (student) (657)278 -7777 (staff) for more information.



This statement should be included on all marketing materials, online or printed:

 For questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in our event, 请联系: {Event Planner’s name and contact information including an email or phone number} .

 If you need assistance with a disability-related accommodation, you can call the 残疾支援服务 Office at (657) 278-3112.


  • Captioning is encouraged for videos shown at events and required if requested as a disability accommodation or if there is no registration process for the event.
  • Space for 1–2 American Sign Language Interpreters (ASL) and/or CART (交流访问 Real-time Translation) Interpreters should be in front near speaker so deaf individuals can have an unobstructed view of speaker and visuals.


  • 如果您提供往返活动的交通工具, 确保轮椅可以进入(有电梯), unless it is an RSVP-only event and no one has requested accessible transportation.


Mark the following with clear and intuitive signage containing the updated Disability Access Symbol:

  • 入口/出口
  • 交通流量
  • 电梯
  • 停车
  • 卫生间


  • 安排空间,让所有客人都能使用公共路线. 道路宽阔、平坦,没有瓦砾.
  • 分配方便的座位选择.
  • Accessible cord covers are used to cover exposed cords or hoses on ground.


  • 在活动期间尽量消除任何背景噪音.
  • 应该启用标题.


  • If providing handouts, have a few large-print copies in at least 18+ font.
  • 使用清晰的字体,如Arial或Times New Roman.
  • Encourage electronic materials to be distributed in advance.
  • 如果活动将有美国手语翻译, 给他们发放救济品, ppt, and other materials at least two business days in advance so they have ample opportunity to prepare.


  • Service dogs are welcome on campus and they do not have to  be  identified by a  vest, 个人也不需要出示任何证明.
  • 关于服务性动物,你只能问两个问题:
    • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
    • 狗被训练去做什么工作或任务?
  • 审查 关于服务动物的其他信息


Event planners should share this information with presenters before the event so they can ensure their presentation and materials are accessible.

  • 考虑活动的可访问性.
    • Is the room set to facilitate everyone’s participation in your activities?
    • Would someone with low vision, limited mobility or hearing loss be able to participate?
    • 如果你的听众是未知的,提前做好应急计划.
  • Offer accessible materials/handouts (see Day of Your Event section).
  • When presenting, don’t assume individuals can read what is presented on the slide. Describe all charts, graphs and images, and read all content aloud.
  • 确保你的字体易于在房间后面阅读.  确保你使用了良好的颜色对比.
  • Videos should have captions enabled or captions should be created.


Include questions about access on any event evaluations or assessments. 例如:

  • 你能要求与残疾有关的住宿吗?
  • 你能完全参与这个活动吗?
  • Do you have feedback on how to make this event more accessible next time?

Reflect on any accessibility-related issues and how to design differently in the future. 考虑与场地分享任何反馈.


下载我们的PDF格式 可访问的活动策划者清单PDF文件 以帮助指导您确保您的活动是可访问的.