
The faculty section offers an alphabetical listing of faculty in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Dr. Chean Chin Ngo Ngo, Chean Chin
Department Chair & Professor 
Room: E-100E 
Phone: (657) 278-3014
Email: chngo@wolaipei.com

Dr. 陈钦宇获博士学位.D. 2006年获得俄克拉荷马大学机械工程学位. 他的教学兴趣是热流体科学领域, 替代能源和数值模拟. Dr. Ngo目前的研究兴趣集中在多孔介质中的输运现象, heat and mass transfer enhancement using electric field and multimedia technology in engineering education & K-12 STEM education. 在加入十大靠谱网赌平台之前,博士. Ngo was a visiting assistant professor at the University of North Dakota from 2008-2010 and a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Oklahoma in 2007.


Dr. Darren BanksBanks, Darren
Associate Professor
Room: E-313
Phone: (657) 278-7276
Email: dabanks@wolaipei.com

Dr. Darren Banks earned his B.S. and Ph.D. 分别于2010年和2015年获得加州大学河滨分校机械工程学士学位. 他的教学兴趣是流体力学和传热. 他的研究方向是相变冷却和光学空化应用. Dr. Banks served as a postdoctoral researcher investigating experimental techniques to characterize thermally-induced cavitation prior to coming to Fullerton.


Dr. Bingling HuangHuang, Bingling
Assistant Professor
Room: E-212
Phone: (657) 278-4010
Email: bihuang@wolaipei.com

Dr. 黄炳玲获得博士学位.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Southern California (USC) in 2023, and M.S. 2021年从同一所大学获得计算机科学学位. 在此之前,她完成了她的硕士学位.S. 航空工程学士及学士学位.Eng. in Aircraft Design and Engineering, both from Beihang University in 2018 and 2015, respectively. Her teaching interests include engineering graphics, digital computation, and solid mechanics. Dr. 黄教授的研究方向是工程设计, 复杂的自组织系统, knowledge acquisition, and multiagent reinforcement learning and machine learning for industry applications. 

Dr. Sagil James James, Sagil
Associate Professor 
Room: E-409  
Phone: (657) 278-3337 Email:   sagiljames@wolaipei.com

Website: http://u1hf.wolaipei.com/ecs/faculty/sagiljames/Opens in new window

Dr. James received his Ph.D. 2015年获得辛辛那提大学机械工程学士学位. 他的教学兴趣集中在制造工艺领域, 计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM)和材料力学. 他的主要研究领域是先进制造, Nanomanufacturing, Metrology, 过程建模与仿真. His doctoral research focused on the development of an innovative nanomachining process - Vibration Assisted Nano Impact-machining by Loose Abrasives (VANILA). He has also worked as a product engineer at Larsen and Toubro Limited in Mumbai, India.


Dr. jin woo lee

Lee, Jin Woo
Assistant Professor
Room: CS-303
Phone: (657) 278-5916
Email:   jinlee@wolaipei.com

Dr. Jin Woo Lee获得博士学位.D. and M.S. 获得密歇根大学机械工程学士学位.S. 宾厄姆顿大学机械工程专业毕业. 他的教学兴趣包括设计过程, computer-aided design, manufacturing, and solid mechanics. Dr. 他的研究重点是设计理论和方法论, product design, medical device design, creativity and innovation, front-end design processes, and engineering education. 他是国家健康研究所的研究员. Before pursuing his academic career, he designed and manufactured automated packaging machines.


Dr. Salvador Mayoral Mayoral, Salvador
Associate Professor
Room: E-414
Phone: (657) 278-2198
Email:   smayoral@wolaipei.com

Dr. 萨尔瓦多·马约拉尔获得博士学位.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of California, Irvine in 2013. As a graduate student, Dr. 马约拉尔致力于用混合机翼机身飞机屏蔽喷气噪声. In 2014, Dr. Mayoral joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at California State University, 他目前担任富勒顿大学的助理教授. 作为风洞实验室的PI, his research interests span the areas of aeroacoustics and ground effect aerodynamics. Currently, Dr. Mayoral is investigating the vortex dynamics of underbody diffuser flows in ground-effect, 动量尾迹对气动声噪声源的衍射, 最近他的兴趣扩展到了海洋生物的流体动力学. Moreover, Dr. Mayoral is a CoPI of the NSF funded “Advancing Student Success by Utilizing Relevant Social-cultural and Academic Experiences for Undergraduate Engineering, 计算机科学学生(ASSURE-US)项目. 在加入机械工程系之前,博士. 马约拉尔曾在Sonendo公司担任研发工程师. 开发和测试牙髓学医疗设备.

Sang June Oh Oh, Sang June
Room: CS-503  
Phone: (657) 278-7161  
Email:   sjoh@wolaipei.com 

Dr. 吴尚俊获得学士学位, MS, 2004年获机械工程博士学位, 全部来自哥伦比亚大学.  他的教学兴趣集中在控制系统领域, vibrations, mechatronics, optimization, and applied mathematics.  Dr. Oh’s current research focuses on control applications in biomedical engineering, assistive technology, 以及航空航天应用的迭代学习和重复控制设计.  His previous academic experience includes postdoctoral research in Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University and Yale University, respectively.


Dr. Yong Seok ParkPark, Yong Seok
Associate Professor
Room: E-315
Phone: (657) 278-5745
Email: yopark@wolaipei.com

Dr. 朴永石(Yong Seok Park)获得了B.S. and M.S. 毕业于韩国西江大学. Dr. Park also obtained a M.S. 在乔治华盛顿大学获得博士学位.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dr. Park目前的研究兴趣是团队科学, design cognition, 工程设计教育, and STEM education research. 在加入California State Fullerton之前,Dr. Park是亚利桑那州立大学的博士后研究员.

Dr. Nina Robson Robson, Nina
Room: E-406 
Phone: (657) 278-3723  
Email: nrobson@wolaipei.com
Website: ecs.wolaipei.com/~nrobson

Dr. Robson obtained her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) in 2008. 在加入加州州立大学之前, Fullerton (CSUF) in 2012, 她是德州大学的助理教授&M University (2009-2011).  

Dr. 罗布森是CSUF人类互动机器人(HIR)实验室的主任. Her research is in the areas of Kinematics, Mechanism Design and Robotics/Bio-robotics. She is a member of the organizing committee of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018), as well as an elected general member of the International Federation for Promotion of Mechanisms and Machine Science (IFToMM) Computational Kinematics Technical Committee and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Mechanisms and Robotics Technical Committee.

博士所获荣誉及奖项. Robson include Women in Robotics Ambassador (International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems) in 2014, 2015年杰出工程教育家(橙县工程委员会), and the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) in 2018.

Increasing Diversity in Engineering And Labor-force (IDEAL) Online Summer Program for 9-12 Grade Students
十大靠谱网赌平台:Nina Robson,邮箱:nrobson@wolaipei.com



Dr. Siheng Su Su, Siheng
Associate Professor 
Room: E-201A
Phone: (657) 278-2654
Email:   ssu@wolaipei.com

Dr. Siheng Su earned her Ph.D. 2016年获得德州理工大学机械工程学士学位. 她的教学兴趣是在机构运动学领域, mechanics of materials, and finite element methods. 主要研究方向为多功能纳米材料的开发, biomolecule-nanomaterial interaction and 3D printing of artificial tissues and organs. Her doctoral research focused on the development of functional nanomaterials for brain cancer therapy. Dr. 苏是德克萨斯理工大学的一名讲师.

Dr. Justin TranTran, Justin
Assistant Professor
Room: CS-526
Phone: (657) 278-8948
Email: justran@wolaipei.com

Dr. Justin Tran received his B.S. 2013年获加州大学洛杉矶分校机械工程学士学位.S. 2015年获加州大学圣地亚哥分校机械工程学士学位.D. 2018年获得斯坦福大学机械工程学士学位. 他的教学兴趣包括流体力学, numerical methods, biomechanics, and finite element methods. 他博士论文的题目是验证, validation, and improvement of computational fluid dynamics tools for studying coronary artery disease. Currently, his research interests focus on the development and application of computational tools for studying cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Haowei Wang Wang, Haowei
Room: E-415
Phone: (657) 278-7913
Email: haowwang@wolaipei.com

Website: wolaipei.com/ecs/faculty/haowwang/ 

Dr. Haowei Wang received his B.Eng degree in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from Southeast University in Nanjing China in 2008. He received his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York in 2009 and 2012. His doctoral research was on combustion and in particular the autoignition of traditional and alternative jet fuels and jet fuel surrogates. He is the author of several publications and presentations in the field of combustion. Currently his research is focused on the combustion of traditional and alternative fuels and heat exchangers. 他主要教授热流体相关课程. 

Dr. Hope Weiss Weiss, Hope
Associate Professor
Room: E-413
Phone: (657) 278-2816
Email: hweiss@wolaipei.com

Dr. Hope Weiss earned her BS in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Cornell University (2006), and her MS and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley (2008, 2012 respectively). Dr. Weiss' doctoral work investigated mechanical damage from a cavitation microbubble, in and near a blood clot, 高强度聚焦超声在脑卒中患者中的应用. Her current research interests are focused in the areas of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, 应用于环境和生物医学系统. Dr. Weiss’ teaching interests are in the areas of (but not limited to) system dynamics and vibrations, controls, fluid mechanics, numerical methods, applied mathematics, and programming. 在加入十大靠谱网赌平台之前,博士. Weiss was an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 2012-2015.



Professor Emeriti

  • Bazar, Andy Ph.D.

Email: abazar@wolaipei.com

  • Elsaden, Munir Ph.D.

Email: mechengoffice@wolaipei.com

  • Kreiner, Jesa Ph.D.

Email: kreiner@wolaipei.com

  • Krishnamurthy, Sundaram Ph. D.

Email: krish@wolaipei.com

  • Lancey, Timothy Ph.D.

Email: tlancey@wolaipei.com

  • Moini, Hossein Ph.D.

Email: moini@wolaipei.com



Sarah Jordan
Room: E-100
Phone: (657) 278-8390
Email: spjordan@wolaipei.com

Lorenzo Armas
Room: E-13C
Phone: (657) 278-7436
Email: larmas@wolaipei.com

Donald Ray
Laboratory Technician
Room: E-014B
Phone: (657) 278-5475
Email: doray@wolaipei.com 

Kevin Si 
Room: E-100
Phone: (657) 278-4267
Email: kevinsi@wolaipei.com
Email: mechengoffice@wolaipei.com